The Associated General Contractors Of Tennessee


AGC is a premier education resource for the construction industry, providing a wealth of education opportunities. Well-trained and knowledgeable employees have significant impact on your company’s bottom line and sustain the industry by cultivating our future workforce.

AGC supports life-long learning through a broad array of offerings through multiple learning venues. Courses are designed for all levels of experience. No matter the size of your firm or the type of work you do, AGC has education and training programs designed for you.

AGC offers numerous safety training and certification programs designed to help contractors improve safety and reduce accidents, meet OSHA requirements, and meet the education needs of the construction industry. For the convenience of the contractors and employees, we plan ahead and schedule much of our training for the entire year. If the scheduled training dates do not work for you, we can put together a custom class that will meet your needs.

Classes and Certifications


OSHA 10 and 30

First Aid & CPR

Fall Protection

Silica Competent Person

Trenching & Excavating

Scaffold Training
The above classes are just a sample of the classes and certifications offered.  Contact your local Branch for a list of classes being offered in your region.


Special Programs

Supervisory Training Program (STP): 
The Associated General Contractors of Tennessee's Supervisory Training Program (STP) is a construction-specific training curriculum developed, updated and field-tested by and for contractors. Supervisory skill—or the lack of it—directly affects every company’s bottom line. You make your money in the field, and STP can help you improve your organization’s bottom line.


Construction Leadership Program:

The Construction Leadership Program was created in 2011 by Middle Tennessee construction executives and CLC board members. Its purpose is to educate young leaders on all of the facets of how a business works, as well as provides leadership training and networking opportunities.  The CLP provides courses to expose up-and-coming leaders in a company to the many facets of running a construction company. 

More Programs coming soon!


Contact Your Local Region for more information:

The above classes and programs may differ in your area.  Contact your local Region for a list of classes being offered in your region.



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